
* Bern Natural History Museum, Switzerland
* Carnegie Museum of Natural History
* Carnegie Science Center
* Emporia Stae University Geology Museum
* Fryxell Geology Museum
* Geology Museum (University of Queensland)
* Geology Museum (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
* Gillespie Museum of Minerals (Florida)
* Houston Mesuem of Natural Sciences
* Hunterian Museum (University of Glasgow)
* Interactive Natural History Museum
* Kellogg's Staff House Museum (Mining & Smelting)
* London Natural History Museum
* Masaryk University
* Mineral Gallery
* Museum of Natural History (Tohoku University)
* Museum of Victoria, Austrailia
greenbal.gif - 922 Bytes Old Trail Museum
* Redpath Museum
* Royal British Columbia Museum
* Teylers Museum
* Toyen Museum of Natural History
* Royal Tyrrell Museum Of Paloentology
* Smithsonian Gem and Mineral Collection
* Stockholm Museum ( Gold Room )
* World Museum Of Natural History
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